Blog posts


The Art of Essay Writing

2 minute read


In university, while clarity, accuracy, relevance, and originality are often emphasized in essay writing, the importance of its artistic form, which enhances presentation and persuasive impact, is frequently overlooked.

The Paradoxical Zero

2 minute read


Many of us find ourselves at the “paradoxical zero” point, constantly grappling with internal contradictions and striving to resolve them.


The Peer Pressure

3 minute read


It’s important to remember that significant achievements demand substantial time and effort, whereas minor successes can be attained more easily and swiftly.

Is Life too Unjust?

6 minute read


But the truth is that life is more than just the sum of our individual experiences. It is a complex web of cause and effect, shaped by countless factors beyond our control.

Your Greatest Foe is Yourself

2 minute read


Instead of comparing yourself to others, concentrate on comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, as you are the best judge of your own success given your unique understanding of yourself.

We are Different but Comparable

4 minute read


Despite the emphasis on individual uniqueness and intrinsic worth that cannot be compared, standardized metrics like test scores and competition rankings are necessary in certain contexts to fairly assess abilities or achievements relative to others, though they should not be used in isolation to make absolute judgements or comparisons between individuals.