The Peer Pressure

3 minute read


Each individual has a unique journey towards success. It’s not feasible to replicate someone else’s successful strategies verbatim, as we all have different starting points, life circumstances, and abilities. When we witness someone else’s success, it can cause us to question our own path, especially if it differs from theirs. Your chosen path may not be incorrect; it might simply require more time. It’s important to remember that significant achievements demand substantial time and effort, whereas minor successes can be attained more easily and swiftly. We often find ourselves distracted by the minor victories of others, losing sight of our own pursuit of substantial success. Those who attain such success are not necessarily superior to us, and it’s crucial not to undervalue ourselves in comparison (a trap that society often falls into as well). Without any tangible achievements to validate the correctness of our path and our deservingness to persist with it, we can easily become unsettled.

A prudent approach to success is to break down the overall goal into smaller, manageable stages. Each stage should yield some form of achievement that contributes incrementally towards the larger goal. On the other hand, executing a grand plan is possible but demands a valuable trait: perseverance.

However, it’s crucial to understand that perseverance is not synonymous with obstinacy. Obstinacy often arises from an overinflated ego and an unshakeable faith in one’s future triumphs. It’s vital to remember that while each individual has a unique path to success, all things are interconnected, possessing both shared and distinct aspects. Why do we lend our ears to successful speakers or delve into books about success, when we hold the belief that each tale of success is distinct? In this context, we should glean insights from the success narratives of others, adhering to a universal principle, such as the one outlined in ‘The Success Equation’. Our task is to adapt these shared elements to our personal circumstances. We should be open to learning and receptive to the perspectives of a diverse range of individuals. However, the most accurate solution to each person’s success story undoubtedly lies within themselves.

How do we gain a deep understanding of ourselves? How do we identify our strongest skills? How do we determine our deepest passions? These seemingly simple questions may prove challenging for many to answer.

In this piece, I’ve extensively discussed the concept of success. However, is there a definitive interpretation of what constitutes success? Is it wealth, social standing, renown, or perhaps happiness? The yardstick for success differs from person to person, as we each possess our unique worldview. When offering advice to another, we cannot wholly superimpose our viewpoints onto them, nor should we pass judgment on their choices. Simply put, we are not them. We cannot comprehend their inner selves better than they do, and we bear no responsibility for the counsel we provide. So why do some individuals feel disgruntled when their suggestions are not heeded? Our world is a tapestry of diverse perceptions and lifestyles.

If placed in similar circumstances as others, would our decisions differ from theirs? Therefore, rather than passing judgment on others, our initial response should be one of empathy and understanding.